php htaccess.php > ~/htaccess.conf * Filtering to exclude (substring match) * /var/www/> php htaccess.php evilDirectory > ~/htaccess.conf */ //Start from the present working directory, recurse from here. Using the real path avoids a bug where .htaccess files in the PWD are omitted from results on some systems $startPath = realpath("./"); $ite= new RecursiveDirectoryIterator($startPath); //Lets give people a hand, skip these directories. Especially helpful when run on dev systems $filters = array(".svn", ".cvs"); //Merge base set of filters with any from the command line if(count($argv) > 0) { unset($argv[0]); $filters = array_merge($filters, $argv); } //Iterate recursively through everything from here on in, of course filtering out stuff from the filter list foreach (new fileFilter(new RecursiveIteratorIterator($ite), $filters) as $filename=>$cur) { $htaccessFiles[] = $filename; } //No files? Quit now! if (count($htaccessFiles) == 0) { die("No .htaccess files found"); } //Sort the list, place least depth first. This is important to allow overrides from sub-directories to occur correctly usort($htaccessFiles, 'sorter'); //Warnings encountered $flags = 0; //Iterate over found files (sorted now) and read them in. foreach($htaccessFiles as $file) { //Grab the file and print out the bit $path = realpath(pathinfo($file, PATHINFO_DIRNAME)); echo "\n"; $lines = file($file); if(count($lines) > 0) { //Tab the file in, check for RedirectBase which may cause problems foreach($lines as $line) { echo "\t$line"; if(stripos($line, "RedirectBase") !== FALSE) { //Not tabbed! See what happens there? echo "# WARNING The above line contains RedirectBase which may not convert directly to a conf file. Please check manually\n"; $flags++; } } //Handle issues where files don't end with a newline if (in_array(substr($line, -1), array("\n", "\r"))) { echo "\n\n"; }else { echo "\n\n\n"; } }else{ //File was empty, leave the stub in echo "\n\n\n"; } } //Check for warnings if ($flags > 0) { echo "# A total of $flags warnings were encountered. Please read through the file and correct any noted problems\n"; }else { echo "# No warnings detected \n"; } echo "# Please test before going live, no guarantees! \n"; //Sort by the number of path segments, least first function sorter($a, $b) { $a = count(explode("/", $a)); $b = count(explode("/", $b)); if($a == $b) { return 0; } if($a > $b) { return 1; } return -1; } //Filter out specified files. class fileFilter extends FilterIterator { private $filters; public function __construct(Iterator $iterator, $filters) { parent::__construct($iterator); $this->filters = $filters; } public function accept() { $dir = $this->getInnerIterator()->current(); foreach($this->filters as $filter) { if(strpos($dir, $filter) !== false) { return false; } } if (strpos($dir, ".htaccess") !== false) { return true; } //echo "Skipping $dir\n"; return false; } } ?>