Obtain GeoIP-1.4.6 from maxmind.com and built per included instructions.
Build Module against an IPv6 Enabled Apache Build
Obtain GeoIP-1.4.6 from maxmind.com and built per included instructions. Build Module against an IPv6 Enabled Apache Build del *.obj *.exp *.lib *.so set APACHE=C:\Apache22 set GEOIPROOT=C:\Build\GeoIP-1.4.6 cl /nologo /MD /O2 /LD /W3 -DWIN32 -D_WIN32 -I%GEOIPROOT%\libGeoIP -I%APACHE%\include /c /Fomod_geoip.obj mod_geoip.c link /NODEFAULTLIB:LIBCMT kernel32.lib "%APACHE%\lib\libhttpd.lib" "%APACHE%\lib\libapr-1.lib" "%APACHE%\lib\libaprutil-1.lib" "%GEOIPROOT%\libGeoIP\GeoIP.lib" /nologo /subsystem:windows /dll /machine:I386 /out:mod_geoip.so mod_geoip.obj
let’s vc9 this a tad;
/machine:I386 -> /machine:X86
MT -manifest mod_geoip.so.manifest -outputresource:mod_geoip.so;2
is there a downloadable mod_geoip.so for win32 anywhere. Or does it need compiling on every installation. That seems a little odd to me.
You download it at http://www.apachehaus.com
Do you have a win32 vc6 build?
I’m having trouble with Apache since 2.2.16 because of mod_geoip ipv6 lack of support on early versions.
There is not a vc6 build yet, but ask in the apachehaus forum and Gregg might build it for you :)
You can download it mariobrandt.de/download/apache/mod_geoip-1.2.5-vc6.zip
Would be great if you tell me if this works for you.