Fun with windows subsystem for linux Part 3

Now there Debian available over the Microsoft Store on Windows 10. Very small RAM usage, much better than the ubuntu version.

Open PowerShell as Administrator and run:

Enable-WindowsOptionalFeature -Online -FeatureName Microsoft-Windows-Subsystem-Linux

Then Open the Microsoft Store and search for debian.

The File are now in C:\Users\%USERNAME%\AppData\Local\Packages\TheDebianProject.DebianGNULinux_*

I wonder why it is no longer in C:\Users\%USERNAME%\AppData\Local\lxss\

For having correct displayed german characters I had to change the console

sudo dpkg-reconfigure locales
sudo apt install console-setup
sudo dpkg-reconfigure console-setup

debian boots into uefi shell

Today one of my linux servers did not boot. Instead there was a grub uefi shell. Typing the help command listed a bunch of commands in dark blue on a dark grey. Not easy to read. Trying to use the gui did not solve the problem. Resetting the config did also not help. Some forum posts said to create a symlink to the efi file. My issue was that /boot/efi is a separate partion due btrfs on the my system.

What did work was using the command line to add the efi again.

bcfg boot add 0 fs0:\EFI\debian\grubx64.efi "Debian"

However writing in english mode on a german style keyboard is often “times of wonder”. Use # ( hash) for the backslash and ä for the quotes. I still wonder why I have to use a backslash on a linux system…

Subversion (svn) 1.8 on Debian 7 wheezy

Just installed a brand new debian and than I can’t use my working copies cause the svn version is still 1.6.x
So an upgraded is required!


wget -O /tmp/wd-deb.gpg
apt-key add /tmp/wd-deb.gpg
rm /tmp/wd-deb.gpg
sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list

deb wheezy svn18

So now I can have fun again! Why not git? Cause the company repos are still in svn and I had some troubles with git-svn.

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