Sophos Root partition is filling up

Root partition is filling up – please check. Current usage: 85%
Sophos UTM-9
HA Status          : HA MASTER (node id: 1)
System Uptime      : 60 days 6 hours 27 minutes
System Load        : 1.43
System Version     : Sophos UTM 9.715-4
Please refer to the manual for detailed instructions.


/etc/init.d/postgresql92 rebuild
/etc/init.d/postgresql92 start

Create an Empty Branch in Git

To create a new empty branch in Git, we can use the --orphan command line option

git checkout --orphan 

The command above creates the new empty branch and switches into it.
Once the empty branch s created, we can can delete files from the working directory, so they are not committed in to the new branch

git rm -rf .

Now you are in the empty branch without any inherited files or commits.
If you want to push your empty branch to a remote repository, do the following

git commit --alow-empty -m "Init"
git push origin 

Note, that if you try to merge another branch into the empty one, you will receive the error: fatal: refusing to merge unrelated histories

Use the --allow-unrelated-history option to force the merge into the empty branch.

git merge --allow-unrelated-history 

zfs snapshot sort by size

When you see your zpool exploding, but the “used” size isn’t that much, you may take a look at your snaphosts.

First find the dataset with the that has the largest snapshot

zfs list -o name,usedbysnapshots | sort -r -k2

example output

tank/mails                                  56.3G
tank/store                                   261M
tank/docker                                 2.38M

In this case the tank/mails dataset should be looked at.

Snapshots can then be listed for that filesystem by using a command

# zfs list -t snapshot -r 
zfs list -t snapshot -r tank/mails 

ceph scrubbing time

When you don’t scrub your ceph pool it will scrub itself when you don’t want it to scrub: during working hours. To avoid that you can set the time in the night when scrubbing is allowed

the ceph config set is global for the cluster / all nodes.

root@pve-01:/etc/ceph# ceph config get osd osd_scrub_begin_hour
root@pve-01:/etc/ceph# ceph config set osd osd_scrub_begin_hour 22
root@pve-01:/etc/ceph# ceph config get osd osd_scrub_begin_hour
root@pve-01:/etc/ceph# ceph config get osd osd_scrub_end_hour
root@pve-01:/etc/ceph# ceph config set osd osd_scrub_end_hour 7
root@pve-01:/etc/ceph# ceph config get osd osd_scrub_end_hour

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