Deutsche Anführungszeichen in LateX

Die richtigen Anführungszeichen, nämlich am Anfang unten und am Ende oben.

% Deutsche Anführungszeichen

Im Text dann je zwei einfache Anführungszeichen am Anfang und am Ende ”So”

JavaScript loop / foreach an object

Coming from PHP I wondered how do to a simple foreach() in JavaScript.

function loopObject($object) {
    for (const [$key, $value] of Object.entries($object)) {
        // dome something

Not that once I found the entries function. Why I use the dollar sign $ for the variables? It is a habit and easier to read and it avoids conflicts with language reserved words.

Influxdb 2.0 lessons learned

I played a bit with influxdb version 2.0.0, telegraf client and two of my raspberry pies.
On my oldest pi  a 1 B+ the telegraf client caused too much performance issues on that light weight single CPU and 480 MB of usable RAM. So I chose a simple bash script with curl to send the CPU temperature to influxdb.

timestamp=$(date +%s)
temp=$(vcgencmd measure_temp)
curl -XPOST \
"" \
--header "Authorization: Token asas==" \
--data-raw "cpu-temperature,host=pihole ${temp//\'C/} ${timestamp}"

At first I was running influxdbd by hand. But I didn’t want the usual port of 9999 of the alpha version and I also wanted SSL encryption when I log into the backend. Pretty easy with the already running apache on that server.

<VirtualHost *:443>
	DocumentRoot /var/www/empty

	<Directory /var/www/empty>
		Options Indexes FollowSymLinks
		AllowOverride None
		Require all granted

	ProxyPass / http://localhost:9999/
	ProxyPassReverse / http://localhost:9999/

	SSLEngine on
	SSLCertificateFile  fullchain.pem
	SSLCertificateKeyFile privkey.pem

so far so good. Starting the influxdb by hand after a reboot or failing isn’t an option.  So I created by on systemd service file

sudo $EDITOR /lib/systemd/system/influxdb2.service

Description=InfluxDB 2.0 service file.



Do not forget to enable it :D sudo systemctl enable influxdb2


So far I made one observation. The telegraf client is doing a lot of DNS requests through the network. If I’m not wrong it does it for every request. If you look at the graphic you see that the bottom a big blue line. That is the DNS requests from telegraf. At some point around 20:00 You see a drop. Well there I change the flush interval to 120 seconds. Later at round 7:30 I wrote the IP and host name into /etc/hosts and the “noise” was gone. That is something you maybe want to do in your devices, too to save some bandwidth and energy.

CISCO router password recovery

– Attach a terminal or PC with terminal emulation to the console port of the router.
Use these terminal settings:

* 9600 baud rate
* No parity
* 8 data bits
* 1 stop bit
* No flow control
– If you can access the router, type show version at the prompt, and record the configuration register setting. See Example of Password Recovery Procedure in order to view the output of a show version command
Note: The configuration register is usually set to 0x2102 or 0x102. If you can no longer access the router (because of a lost login or TACACS password), you can safely assume that your configuration register is set to 0x2102.


– Press **Break** (**Ctrl-Break** Windows XP) on the terminal keyboard within 60 seconds of power up in order to put the router into ROMMON.
– Type **confreg 0x2142** at the rommon 1> prompt in order to boot from Flash. This step bypasses the startup configuration where the passwords are stored.
– Type **reset** at the rommon 2> prompt. The router reboots, but ignores the saved configuration.
– Type **no** after each setup question, or press **Ctrl-C** in order to skip the initial setup procedure.
– Type **enable** at the Router> prompt. You are in enable mode and should see the Router# prompt.
– Type **configure memory** or **copy startup-config running-config** in order to copy the nonvolatile RAM (NVRAM) into memory. **Important**: Do not type **copy running-config startup-config** or **write**. These commands erase your startup configuration.
– Type **show running-config**. The **show running-config** command shows the configuration of the router. In this configuration, the **shutdown** command appears under all interfaces, which indicates all interfaces are currently shut down. In addition, the passwords (enable password, enable secret, vty, console passwords) are in either an encrypted or unencrypted format. You can reuse unencrypted passwords. You must change encrypted passwords to a new password.
– Type **configure terminal**.
– The hostname(config)# prompt appears.
– Type **enable secret <password>** in order to change the enable secret password. For example: hostname(config)#**enable secret cisco**
– Issue the **no shutdown** command on every interface that you use. If you issue a **show ip interface brief** command, every interface that you want to use should display up up.
– Type **config-register <configuration_register_setting>**. Where **configuration_register_setting** is either the value you recorded in step 2 or **0x2102** . For example: hostname(config)#**config-register 0x2102**
– Press **Ctrl-z** or **end** in order to leave the configuration mode. The hostname# prompt appears.
– Type **write memory** or **copy running-config startup-config** in order to commit the changes.


normal mode

  • [count]operation[count]{motion}
  • :q! = quit without saving
  • :x = :wq == write and quit
  • dd or D = delete line
  • d7d = delete the next 7 lines
  • . = repeat the last command
  • CTRL + o = back to last cursor position
  • p = insert (from register) / paste in line below cursor
  • P = paste obove cursor- :reg = list registers
  • "1p = paste from register 1
  • "+y = copy into system clipboard
  • "+p = pate from system clipboard
  • u = undo
  • CTRL + R = redo
  • i = enter insert mode
  • v = enter visual mode
  • y = yank / copy what was selected
  • yy = yank / copy line
  • 4yy = yank 4 lines
  • >> = indent- &lt;&lt; = unindent
  • :E = open file explorer (works only with set nocompatible)
  • :bd = buffer delete / close buffer
  • :bn = goto next buffer
  • :bp = previous buffer
  • :ls = list of buffers
  • * = Find word unter cursor- :%s/search/replace/g g for global
  • :%!column -t spaces to columns
  • $ = goto the end of the line
  • x = delete charater under cursor
  • w = goto next word
  • dw = delete next word
  • 0 = goto start of line
  • z ENTER move view to line
  • :terminal Open Terminal in split view
  • :set rightleft right to left (exit with :set rightleft&)
  • :edit! reload file without saving or :e!
  • :set nowrap
  • :set wrap
  • :set nu Show line numbers. Reverse with nonu
    :setlocal cm=blowfish2
  • :X
  • h j k l = move cursor ( h: ← j: ↓ k: ↑ l: →
  • :sp = split screen (same file)
  • :sp filename = open other file
  • :vsp = vertical split
  • CTRL + w CTRL + w = switch between splits
  • :hide = close current window
  • :only = keep only this window
  • :help holy-grail = advanced help
  • :set rightleft = some fun


  • R = enter replace mode- /pattern – search for pattern
  • ?pattern – search backward for pattern
  • n – repeat search in same direction
  • N – repeat search in opposite direction
  • :%s/old/new/g – replace all old with new throughout file
  • :%s/old/new/gc – replace all old with new throughout file with confirmations

insert mode

  • CTRL + n CTRL + p = Complete word
  • CTRL + x CTRL + l = Complete line
  • CTRL + r = insert register
  • 80i * ESC = insert 80 *
  • 5o # ESC = insert 5 rows starting with #
change EOL / line ending
  • :set ff=unix= set to unix line endings
  • How to jump back to NERDTree from file in tab

you can insert text from your host’s clipboard by pressing the right mouse button (default setting) or by pressing Shift + Ins. Note that this has the same effect as entering every character manually. So if you are using auto indentation in vim, this will very likely screw up your code.
To fix that, you can do the following:
Before pasting into vim, enable paste mode by entering :set paste.Press I to enter insert mode. The status bar should say -- INSERT (paste) -- now.Press Shift + Insert (The auto indentation of vim should not happen.)Press Esc to leave insert mode, and disable paste mode using :set nopaste again.

How to delete all lines of file in Vim
Type gg to move the cursor to the first line of the file, if it is not already there.Type dG to delete all the lines.

SSH Tricks

This is more for me than others. Sometimes I forget things like this.

SSH Dynamic Socks Proxy for the browser.

ssh -D 8888
Browser: Socks Proxy localhost 888

SSH Tunnel to another host

ssh -L 9090:localhost:9090 user@proxyhost -i SSHKEY ssh -L 9090:localhost:9090 -N user@TARGETSYSTEM

Also SSH Tunnel Bypassing Transparent proxy using apache

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