Preparing mod_svn for compiling on windows

Well I didn’t manage it to compile mod_svn without the apache compiled source tree, but than it works fine and fast. Also Python 3 did not work. So I took 2.7
Assuming that OpenSSL 1.0.0a and zlib are compiled in that source tree as well.

C:\python27\python -t vcproj --vsnet-version=2008 --with-httpd=C:\build\httpd-2.2.x-sni-dev-ipv6
 --with-zlib=C:\build\httpd-2.2.x-sni-dev-ipv6\srclib\zlib --with-apr=C:\build\httpd-2.2.x-sni-dev-ipv6\srclib\apr

Than just open subversion_vcnet.sln with Visual C++ Express Edition. Ignore all warnings about solution folders. Choose the __ALL__ project. Than change from debug to release. Start!

My sample config

LoadModule dav_module modules/
LoadModule dav_fs_module modules/

LoadModule auth_digest_module modules/
LoadModule dav_svn_module modules/
LoadModule authz_svn_module modules/

<Location /svn/>
  DAV svn

  SVNListParentPath on
  SVNParentPath /Repositories/
  SVNIndexXSLT "/svnindex.xsl"
  SVNPathAuthz on
  AuthzSVNAccessFile "C:/Repositories/authz"

  AuthName "Subversion Repositories"
  AuthType Basic
  AuthUserFile "C:/Repositories/htpasswd"

  require valid-user

Compile openssl windows 64 bit

Sadly there is no asm available for 64 bit on windows. That makes openssl minimal slower than with asm, but there is the native 64 bit binary :-)

perl Configure VC-WIN64A --prefix=/Apache22 --openssldir=/Apache22/conf enable-camellia disable-idea
nmake -f ms\ntdll.mak
REM remove md2 and idea test
nmake -f ms\ntdll.mak test

remove /MACHINE:X86 from make files with php

I use PHP on the command line cause I know it the syntax better than any other scriting language and it works on linux and windows. This is about removing the x86 to be able to build apache in x64 (64 bit) on windows.

foreach($files as $file){
 echo "Replace in: ". $file ."\n\r";
 file_put_contents($file,str_ireplace(" /MACHINE:X86","",file_get_contents($file)));
 echo "FAILED: ". $file ."\n\r";

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