JavaScript loop / foreach an object

Coming from PHP I wondered how do to a simple foreach() in JavaScript.

function loopObject($object) {
    for (const [$key, $value] of Object.entries($object)) {
        // dome something

Not that once I found the entries function. Why I use the dollar sign $ for the variables? It is a habit and easier to read and it avoids conflicts with language reserved words.

Wild card domain to localhost because development matters

I have an A record for *.local at my test domain to

For web development it is often required to have a domain name rather than a subfolder in localhost. A vhost for a (sub)domain is easy to set up on my local apache instllation. I can have even a free, valid SSL certificate for that vhost. Wait, what? How can I have a valid certificate for free for a local domain? I use Let’s encrypt with DNS chalange. Sure every time I have to update the certifacte I have to change a DNS txt record, but that is easy.

Another reason why I have a wild card record to is that I can add as many vhosts for testing to apache and don’t have to add or change the DNS settings. Also I can use it on every computer as long as it can query the DNS server on the internet. I can even give my co worker my vhost config and it works without changes.

So * is free for development. But you can’t have a SSL certificate. If you want that, you can do the same trick with your domain.  Happy development.

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