Create an Empty Branch in Git

To create a new empty branch in Git, we can use the --orphan command line option

git checkout --orphan 

The command above creates the new empty branch and switches into it.
Once the empty branch s created, we can can delete files from the working directory, so they are not committed in to the new branch

git rm -rf .

Now you are in the empty branch without any inherited files or commits.
If you want to push your empty branch to a remote repository, do the following

git commit --alow-empty -m "Init"
git push origin 

Note, that if you try to merge another branch into the empty one, you will receive the error: fatal: refusing to merge unrelated histories

Use the --allow-unrelated-history option to force the merge into the empty branch.

git merge --allow-unrelated-history 

ban ’em all

Ban all the attackers. Easier said than done. A website is constantly under attack as the whole server. One day I decided it was too difficult to maintain every single server and ban those attackers. Blocking IPs on the website level is too late. Also, it consumes a lot of resources. So I went for iptables. You can find it on github/JBlond/ban_em_all

DROP vs REJECT. Well, DROP is a bad option for debugging. Also, it is not the default behavior of the OS itself. Nothing is listing on a port? The OS sends a reject. Sadly I haven’t found a way to use REJECT when it comes to IPs. Using DROP on the other hand the automatic server/website scanners assume a firewall and it is more likely to continue the scan.

git cheat sheet

Delete all local branches but master and the current one

git branch | grep -v "master" | grep -v ^* | xargs git branch -D;

what did I do? aka git last commit

git diff @~..@

What did I do the last week?

git log --stat --since='1 Week Ago' --graph --pretty=oneline --abbrev-commit --date=relative

git log only the relevant merges

git log --all --graph --decorate --oneline --simplify-by-decoration

show all untracked files

git ls-files --others --exclude-standard

last tag

describe --tags --abbrev=0

How to set up git over apache 2.4 on Windows

How to set up git apache 2.4 on Windows

At my first shot I was abl to glone the repo but I wasn’t able to push into the repo. Setting the LogLevel to debug showed: AH01215: Service not enabled: ‘receive-pack’: C:/Program Files (x86)/Git/libexec/git-core/git-http-backend.exe

Googling suggested to enable WebDAV. I doubted that but tried it anyway. Trail and error! It did not work about. The git client showed a 403 -> an access or authentication error.   The authentication triggered something in my mind. So I searched for the auth variable that git uses. Et voilà: Git uses the remote user in a different way.
The following set up is not secure, just for local testing. It requires  a http authentication ;)

<VirtualHost *:80>
    DocumentRoot "/Users/mario/work/git"
    CustomLog "C:\nul" common

    SetEnv GIT_PROJECT_ROOT /Users/mario/work/git

    ScriptAliasMatch "(?x)^/(.*/(HEAD | info/refs | objects/(info/[^/]+ | [0-9a-f]{2}/[0-9a-f]{38} | pack/pack-[0-9a-f]{40}.(pack|idx)) | git-(upload|receive)-pack))$" "C:/Program Files (x86)/git/libexec/git-core/git-http-backend.exe/$1"

    <Directory "/Users/mario/work/git">
        Options Indexes FollowSymLinks ExecCGI
        AllowOverride All
        Require all granted
    <Directory "C:/Program Files (x86)/git/libexec/git-core/">
        Options ExecCGI
    <Directory />
        Options Indexes FollowSymLinks ExecCGI
        Require all granted

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