Wild card domain to localhost because development matters

I have an A record for *.local at my test domain to

For web development it is often required to have a domain name rather than a subfolder in localhost. A vhost for a (sub)domain is easy to set up on my local apache instllation. I can have even a free, valid SSL certificate for that vhost. Wait, what? How can I have a valid certificate for free for a local domain? I use Let’s encrypt with DNS chalange. Sure every time I have to update the certifacte I have to change a DNS txt record, but that is easy.

Another reason why I have a wild card record to is that I can add as many vhosts for testing to apache and don’t have to add or change the DNS settings. Also I can use it on every computer as long as it can query the DNS server on the internet. I can even give my co worker my vhost config and it works without changes.

So *.local.apachehaus.de is free for development. But you can’t have a SSL certificate. If you want that, you can do the same trick with your domain.  Happy development.

htaccess if the host matches

It is a hassle to have different configurations in development and production. Often it is required to protect the new webpage with user and password. Publishing that config on production on the other hand would be fatal.
With Apache 2.4 that is pretty easy done

<If "%{HTTP_HOST} == 'stage.example.com'">
    AuthType basic
    AuthName "private"
    AuthUserFile /home/example/.htpasswd
    Require valid-user

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