RedDot / Opentext Language variants for page / Sprachvarianten

VBS Script

Function getAvailableLanguageVariantsForPage(callingPageGuid)
    dim XMLString
    dim resXML
    dim xmlDoc
    dim xmlNodeList
    dim i
    XMLString = "<IODATA loginguid='" & session("LoginGuid") & "' sessionkey='" & session("SessionKey") & "'>" & _
            "<PROJECT>" & _
            "<LANGUAGEVARIANTS action='pageavailable' pageguid='"&callingPageGuid&"' />" & _
            "</PROJECT>" & _
    resXML = objIO.ServerExecuteXml(XMLString, sError)
    Set xmlDoc = server.CreateObject( "Msxml2.DOMDocument.4.0" )
    xmlDoc.loadXML( resXML )
    Set xmlNodeList = xmlDoc.getElementsByTagName( "LANGUAGEVARIANT" )
    For i = 0 To( xmlNodeList.Length - 1 )
        strAvailableInLanguageVariant = strAvailableInLanguageVariant & xmlNodeList.Item(i).getAttribute( "guid" )
        ' strAvailableInLanguageVariantName = xmlNodeList.Item(i).getAttribute( "language" )
    Set xmlDoc = Nothing
    Set xmlNodeList = Nothing
End Function

RedDot release page without plugin but in the page

Today I had the issue to release a page without able to access the file system and creating a plugin for that which would be nicer.  But it also works inside the content template class. it is no ideal, but it works and reloads the page.

<script language="javascript">
function release_page(){
	return  true;

<a href="#" onclick="release_page();"><img border="0"  src="Icons/Release.gif"></a> release snippet

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